21 November 2022
Member News
Dear Families ACT members,
This update provides information about our advocacy work, commissioning and sector development.
Advocacy Update
Minimum age of criminal responsibility (MACR)
The ACT Government published its position paper on raising the age of criminal responsibility in early November outlining key policy decisions made in delivering this reform as well as matters needing to be considered in the future. Families ACT welcomed the recent announcement to raise the age of criminal responsibility to 12 years of age without any carve outs by the end of 2022. We will continue to advocate for the age to be raised to 14 as soon as possible as well as for a holistic wraparound therapeutic diversion and support service system to underpin the legislative changes.
Summary Report of Next Steps
briefing on 29 September 2022
A summary report of the community sector briefing on Next Steps for Our Kids 2022-2030 hosted by Families ACT & Youth Coalition of the ACT in partnership with ACT Government has now been made available. You can read and download the report from our website.
Best Start for Canberra’s Children:
The First 1000 Days Strategy
A new strategy designed to help every child in Canberra reach their full potential was released by the ACT Government earlier this month. It sets out the vision and principles guiding ACT Government’s work with service providers to ensure early and improved support for children and families. The ACT Government will be engaging with the community sector on implementing the strategy at various forums in the coming months, starting at the inaugural First 1000 Days Conference which was held on 8 November 2022. For more information about Best Start visit communityservices.act.gov.au/best-start.
Commissioning Update
Families ACT continues to support the commissioning. More information can be found on CSD’s Commissioning website. The following are highlights from the latest Commissioning conversations newsletter.
Get ready for CYFSP collaboration and engagement
The Commissioner for the Child, Youth and Family Services Program (CYFSP) collaborated with service providers and sector partners to design and develop the CYFSP Commissioning Engagement and Collaboration Plan for this commissioning cycle. Over two workshops the CYFSP Commissioning Engagement Working Group reflected, explored, and identified key engagement and collaboration needs for this commissioning cycle from now through to 2023. For more information on how you can plan your contributions or participation in the CYFSP commissioning cycle, please visit the visit CYFSP Sector in Progress webpage.
Approaching transitions from a commissioning lens
Government is interested to hear your thoughts on transitioning of services via a short survey. The survey will be open until 25 November 2022 and is being shared with both community and government partners.
Opportunity to be part of designing the ACT Government Data Ecosystem
The ACT Government is undertaking a project to identify data systems, people and projects that would be a part of an ACT Government data eco system. The work being undertaken in partnership with Capgemini will be guided by best practice around the world, but the Government also wants key partners and the unique nature of the Canberra community to guide what is needed, wanted and build in a data eco system. Please email Monica Kempster at Monica.kempster@act.gov.au if you would like any further information.
Other Updates
Youth Advisory Council looking for new members
The Youth Advisory Council is looking for new members. Council members raise awareness of the aspirations, needs and concerns of young people and facilitate interaction between young people, the Minister for Education and Youth Affairs, the ACT Government and the wider community. Nominations are open for people aged 12 to 25. You can apply online through SmartyGrants. Applications close on Friday 16 December 2022.
ACT government community grants
Technology Upgrade Fund Grants are currently open including the Community support and infrastructure grant which aims to support community groups and organisations to improve their programs and services for the benefit of members of the ACT community through the following three (3) grant categories: community support and capacity building; non-fixed infrastructure, furniture and equipment (not including IT and audio-visual available through the Technology Upgrade Fund Grants); and minor capital works and fixed infrastructure. For more information, please click on the link above.
Sector development update
Our Joint Case Reviews continued to be popular throughout the year and the last JCR was held on 1 November 2022 which brings the total to 5 JCRs for 2023. A JCR facilitator update and refresher meeting was held in mid-October allowing facilitators to reflect on the year and start planning for 2023.
Together with the Youth Coalition we hosted 2 workshops on working with trans and gender diverse children and young people – one for youth workers and one for family case managers – at the end of October. The workshop was delivered by A Gender Agenda and well attended.
Our webpage lists all the training and sector development we provide and facilitate. Updates and new training will be continually added, and we encourage you to have a look at what’s on offer.
Best wishes,
Yvonne Gritschneder
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