22 June 2022
Member News
Dear Families ACT members,
This update provides information about our sector development and advocacy work as well as a reminder about the important role our Advisory Council plays in representing your interests year-round.
Government launches
Next Steps for Our Kids Strategy 2022 – 2030
On 3 June, the ACT Government launched the Next Steps for Our Kids Strategy 2022-2030. Families ACT welcomes the release of this strategy to strengthen and support families. It aims to build a restorative, therapeutic and trauma-informed child protection system that is also transparent, accessible and accountable. The Strategy is supported by 3 documents: A Step Up for Our Kids Journey, Review of Contemporary Practice in Out of Home Care and Sources & References.
Commissioning Update
In late May, Families ACT received a new contract for a 5-year period as part of the Child, Youth and Family Services Program (CYFSP). The format of our Deed of Grant is for an initial 2-year period with a further 3 years following a review. This structure allows us to pause and reflect on how the intended aims of the commissioning process are playing out in practice.
On 7 June 2022 CYFSP Directors came together to continue their conversation about the commissioning of CYFSP services. This conversation sought to identify the best approach to design the consultation strategy for the commissioning process to ensure all stakeholders are engaged in an optimum way. For more information, please refer to CSD’s latest Commissioning conversations update on their Commissioning website.
Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility (MACR) Advocacy Update
Families ACT attended a Raise the Age Coalition meeting at the end of May where the next steps of the campaign to raise the minimum age of criminal responsibility to 14 years of age were discussed. Families ACT signed a joint submission to the ACT 2022-23 Budget by the coalition of parties advocating to raise the age. The joint submission argued for the funding of key components of Professor McArthur’s roadmap to raise the age which ensure that children and young people are supported in the transition away from the criminal legal system.
Sector Development
Places still available for upcoming JCRs
As explained in our last update, Families ACT is now using Eventbrite for bookings for our JCRs. Those wishing to attend need to register via the above link. We still have places available for the following dates:
17 August 2022
22 September 2022
1 November 2022
If you have any questions or want more information about JCRs, please email Yvonne at comms@familiesact.org.au
Families ACT’s Advisory Council – here for you!
Families ACT has a two-tiered management structure comprising a skill-based board and an Advisory Council. The Board consists of individuals with specialist skills (e.g. regulatory, planning, finance, research, marketing, communications, governance, legal) who are responsible for the strategic and fiscal management of Families ACT. Representation of members’ interests is guaranteed through the input of the Advisory Council. The Council provides advice to the Board on a range of issues affecting the sector. Its role is to:
Represent the interests of members of Families ACT;
Work with the Executive Officer to identify and prioritise policy related issues for the Board’s consideration;
Provide advice to inform the Board’s decision making; and
Work with the Board and Executive Officer ensuring members are informed and consulted about decisions.
The Council meets bi-monthly and comprises up to 9 members, who are elected at the AGM. The current Families ACT Advisory Council members are:
Dawn Bainbridge Karralika Programs Inc.
Sarah Murdoch Executive Officer St John's Care
Amanda Savle Deputy Director Gugan Gulwan
Fiona Loaney Director of Governance Relationships Australia Canberra & Region
Cara Jacobs Director, Community Services YWCA Canberra
Alison Taylor Program Manager Child, Youth and Family Support Service Barnardos
Heli McKellar Case Manager & Program Coordinator UnitingCare Kippax
Member feedback is essential to keep us in tune with your interests and concerns. If you have feedback about Families ACT we would love to talk to you directly, but if you would prefer please have a chat to one of our Council members.
Best wishes,
Yvonne Gritschneder
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