15 April 2024
Dear Families ACT members,
We hope you had a relaxing break over the Easter long weekend and enjoy reading this bumper update - a lot has been happening!
In this edition: spaces still available for the next JCR on 30 April at our offices, updates on commissioning, the reform of the Children and Young People Act, the Therapeutic Support Panel, the Child & Youth Mental Health Sector Alliance, ACT Government grants and have your say on the Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Strategy.
Spaces still available for our April Joint Case Reviews (JCR)
We invite you to join us at our next Joint Case Review (JCR) on Tuesday 30 April 20224 from 9.30am to 11.30am at our offices in O’Connor!
Come and join us! You can register for free for the one on 30 April 2024 and for all remaining JCR via our Eventbrite account!
And please forward this email to interested staff and/or colleagues.
For more information about JCRs and our sector development opportunities visit our website! If you have any questions or want more information about JCRs, please email us at comms@familiesact.org.au
CYFSP Strategic Investment Plan
The draft Child, Youth and Family Services Strategic Investment Plan (the Plan) was released in early March for consultation. The plan reflects what was heard throughout the CYFSP Commissioning Process from stakeholders and how CSD plans to use this to shape the future direction and priorities of the CYFSP. Families ACT has provided feedback on the plan. You can find the draft plan here.
CSD’s transition approach
The transition of services to different models or service providers is supported by the draft Human Services Transition Policy, For CSD, it is a relational approach – discussions with providers, problem solving and planning together, and working through challenges for staff, systems, and clients. CSD aims to apply the Policy sector by sector in a way that is relevant to the scale of transition. For more information on ACT Government’s transition approach visit the Commissioning website.
2023 Commissioning Listening report and Improvement Action Plan
Last week, the 2023 Listening Report and Improvement Action Plan (the 2023 Report) was published by the ACT Government. It’s the second report of this kind reflecting what’s been heard about commissioning practice and experience from both the government and non-government sector. The 2023 Report provides practical actions to address challenges and continuously improve commissioning practice and experiences. It was drafted by a working group from government (Community Services and ACT Health Directorates) and the peak body for the community sector, the ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS). For more information, visit the website.
Update on the Children and Young People Act reform
In October 2023, the ACT Government opened public consultation on its second stage of proposed changes to the Children and Young People Act 2008. This legislative reform is key to the Government’s broader reform of child, youth and family services aimed at strengthening families and keeping children and young people safe and connected. Families ACT made a submission to the consultation.
Before Easter, the consultation listening report was published. Based on the community’s feedback, CSD are adjusting the staging of proposed changes to better meet community expectations.
As a result:
A stage 2 set of amendments will be introduced in the Legislative Assembly’s next sitting week, delivering on specific Government commitments that had consensus support through the consultation. This will deliver on the Government’s commitments to external merits review of child protection decisions, extending care for young people in out of home care to the age of 21 and embedding requirements to develop and maintain Charters in the legislation.
Work will continue on a third stage of legislative change, allowing the ACT Government to consult on exposure draft legislation before it is introduced.
You can find more about the revised scope of stage 2 and the next steps in the fact sheet ‘What you told us and what we’re doing now’ available on the YourSay website at Changing the Children and Young People Act 2008 – Stage 2. This is also where you will find the listening report.
Therapeutic Support Panel for Children and Young People established
On 27 March 2024, the Therapeutic Support Panel for Children and Young People commenced marking the next step in the ACT’s youth justice reform journey. A critical element in raising the minimum age of criminal responsibility, the Panel sits at the core of the ACT’s nation-leading model of therapeutic support for children, young people and their families and carers. Families ACT welcomes the commencement of the panel and congratulates its chair, Dr Justin Barker on his appointment.
For more information including the panel membership please read the press release.
Have your say on the Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence strategy
The ACT Government is developing the ACT Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Strategy to help Canberrans to be safe in their relationships, homes and communities.
CSD is seeking feedback from:
people who have been affected by domestic, family and sexual violence
organisations who respond to and support victim-survivors.
You can have your say on the strategy via this survey before Sunday 28 April 2024.
ACT Child and Youth Mental Health Sector Alliance update
At last week’s Alliance forum, the Youth Reference Group (YRG) released a new publication, the 'Our Say' - Youth Lived Experience FAQs resource. ‘Our Say’ compiles the broader, bigger picture questions that young people are often asked during consultations, or while engaged in advocacy work; along with some of the YRG members’ respective answers.
This document has been developed by the members of the YRG as a resource to ensure those who consult with the YRG can get the most out of their time and participate in effective, meaningful engagement. It is also available as a public resource that can be referenced, quoted and utilised in a variety of projects. You can find more information about the resource in the ‘Before you Start’ section of the document.
For more information about the Alliance, its projects and about the YRG, visit the Alliance website.
ACT Government grants
There are two community infrastructure and technology grant rounds currently open that you might be interested in. Both close on Monday 29 April, 3pm.
Community Support and Infrastructure Grants
Up to $10,000 funding available per grant to fund projects across 3 categories:
community support and capacity building
non-fixed infrastructure, furniture or equipment
minor capital works and fixed infrastructure.
More information about eligibility criteria and the application form can be found here.
Technology Upgrade Fund Grants
Up to $30,000 funding available per grant across 3 categories:
upgrade IT equipment
develop improved service provision through digital technology solutions
support those most at risk of digital exclusion
More information about eligibility criteria and the application form can be found here.
Best wishes,
Yvonne Gritschneder
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