19 September 2023
Dear Families ACT members,
We hope you are enjoying these sunny first days of Spring! In this update: FACT supports the Uluru statement from the Heart, FACT AGM on 24 October, an update on CYFSP Commissioning, the second MACR service design workshop, the CYP Amendment Bill 1 listening report and our September JCR has been cancelled but register now for our last JCR for the year on 8 November 2023!
Families ACT supports the Uluru statement of the Heart
Families ACT published a statement on its website supporting of the Uluru Statement from the Heart. We encourage our members, friends and stakeholders to inform themselves about the upcoming referendum on the First Nations Voice on 14 October 2023 and how to vote via the following links and resources:
The SBS Voice Referendum portal at www.sbs.com.au/voicereferendum
Families ACT Annual General Meeting on 24 October 2023
The Families ACT Annual General Meeting will take place on Tuesday 24 October, from 12-1pm at our office at 46 Clianthus St, O’Connor.
All are welcome, but if you intend to join us please RSVP both for catering and to ensure we have a quorum to comms@familiesact.org.au. An email invite including an agenda will be send closer to the date.
CYFSP Commissioning
Yvonne and Will attended the CYFSP Outcomes and Service Delivery Design Workshop on 8 August 2023 to review and provide feedback on draft program outcomes for CYFSP. A listening report of this workshop is now being collated. More information can be found on the CYFSP commissioning webpage.
Community Central Referral Service commissioning underway
Will attended the Community Intake and Referral Service workshop last Tuesday at Nature Conservation House. The workshop built on the insights from related Commissioning workshops summarised in a discovery paper. At the workshop, participants were asked to explore the scope of a future Community Intake and Referral Service model and reflect on its functions. A second workshop is proposed for 10 October 2023 (tbc). More information can be found on the Central Intake Service webpage on the Commissioning website.
Other ongoing Commissioning cycles
There are currently over 30 active sub-sector commissioning cycles across the human service system. Each cycle moves along the commissioning phases of discover, strategise, design, invest, deliver & integrate. Regular updates on each cycle are provided on the Commissioning website.
MACR reforms
On 22 August 2023 Will and Yvonne attended the second MACR service design workshop at CSD. The second workshop looked at how the service system continues to support children and young people after the Therapeutic Support Panel makes its recommendations.
A listening report from both workshops is now being collated.
The Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety published its inquiry report into the Justice (Age of Criminal Responsibility) Legislation Amendment Bill 2023.
Children and Young People Amendment Bill 1 listening report
A listening report of the Children and Young People Amendment Bill Stage 1 consultation has been published with our submission being referenced several times throughout the document. Work on stage 2 of amending the Children and Young People Act has commenced and the consultation on the stage 2 proposed amendments is scheduled to open soon. For more information on changing the CYP Act, please click here.
September JCR cancelled! Register now for our last JCR in 2023
We had to cancel the September JCR scheduled for this Thursday 21 September due to unforeseen circumstances and low registration numbers. However, we invite you to join us for our last Joint Case Review (JCR) the year on Wednesday 8 November 2023 at 9.30am - 11.30am at our office. JCRs are communities of practice (CoPs) with structured group learning activities providing opportunities for problem solving, sharing knowledge & collaboration. For more information about JCRs, click here. To register for the November JCR, click here.
Families ACT closed its Twitter (now X) account
We decided to discontinue using Twitter (now X) as one of our social media channels due to the changes in ownership and management of the platform. We deleted our account but will continue to communicate with our members and friends via our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/FamiliesACT.au
Best wishes,
Yvonne Gritschneder
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