13 June 2023
Dear Families ACT members,
We hope you have enjoyed the long weekend! Can you believe it’s already mid June? Time flies. In this update: spaces are still available at our next JCR, a brief update on Commissioning, a call for EoIs by the YouthCo to learn how to deliver “Talk to Them” training to youth workers, a consultation on CAMHS, information about PERKS parenting seminars and HEARTFELT, support for children who have experienced domestic & family violence!
Spaces still available for our next Joint Case Review (JCR)
Our next JCR will take place on 20th June 2023 at 9.30am - 11.30am and will be hosted by Woden Community Services at their Callam Offices in Woden. We look forward to seeing you there.
Registrations now open via our Eventbrite account!
Mental Health Subsector Commissioning
The Mental Health Subsector Commissioning Team has developed a Blueprint presenting the ACTHD’s vision for the NGO funded mental health sector. There are several questions through the Blueprint and areas that you can comments on. To provide feedback, head to YourSay and complete a survey, or send an email with your feedback to MentalHealthCommissioning@act.gov.au
The consultation will be open until 16 June 2023.
CYFSP Commissioning
With the CYFSP Commissioning moving into the Design Phase, the CYFSP Future Focus Workshop on 23 May 2023 provided a great opportunity to help shape what the CYFSP will look like in the future. A listening report of this workshop is now being prepared. Meanwhile, the listening report #5 of the Needs and Problem Framing Workshop on 10 May 2023 was published on the CSD Commissioning website together with listening report #4 of the Frontline Workers world café and a CYFSP Data Snapshot report. Contact Families ACT on eo@familiesact.org.au if you have any questions or comments regarding the CYFSP Commissioning process.
Call for Expression of Interest from individuals to learn how to deliver “Talk to Them” training to youth workers
The Youth Coalition of the ACT and the ACT Government – Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Office (DFSVO) are seeking expressions of interest from individuals to learn how to deliver “Talk to Them” training to youth workers. The ‘Talk to Them’ training was developed and piloted last year. It aims to support youth workers with the knowledge and confidence needed to open a conversation with young people about DFV. Youth workers are trusted people that young people engage with for support. This training will increase the capability of youth workers to understand, recognise and respond to DFV issues, safely refer the young person and/or family to specialist DFV services, and continue to support them as they navigate the specialist DFV support system.
For more information visit https://www.youthcoalition.net/talktothem/
EOIs are due by 20th June 2023
Consultations about CAMHS: Young people and Parents/Caregivers
During June, the Youth Coalition is conducting focus groups and interviews to hear directly from young people aged 12-25, and also parents/caregivers, for their feedback about
(1) their experiences accessing and engaging with CAMHS and
(2) a new brochure developed for the upcoming adolescent mental health unit at Canberra Hospital.
Findings will be used to inform changes that CAMHS are trialling, to improve access and engagement processes within their service. Each participant will be reimbursed $50 for providing their time. To get involved, contact: projects@youthcoalition.net
For more information, including dates and frequently asked questions, visit: https://www.youthcoalition.net/camhs/
PERKS Parenting Seminars - 4 Week Course: Starts 24 July
Parenting adolescents and pre-teens with mental health concerns - four free seminars over four weeks. Topics covered are adolescent development, anxiety, depression, self harm, family conflict, school refusal, safety planning. Parents will be provided with information, practical tips and tricks on all topics.
Dates: Monday 24 July to Monday 14 August 2023
Time: 4.00pm - 6.00pm
Location: Westfield Woden Keltie Street Phillip, ACT 2606
To register visit: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/perks-parenting-seminars-tickets-641700221637
HEARTFELT: Support for children who have experienced domestic & family violence
The Australian Childhood Foundation (ACF) is piloting a support group in Canberra for children aged 5- 12 years who have experienced domestic and family violence. They will be running two groups (North and South Canberra) in terms two and three 2023. The ages of children in each group will be kept within a developmentally comparable age range
(e.g. 5-7, 8-10 and 11-12).
This group program will support the children to:
Share their experiences with peers in a supported, validating and nurturing environment.
Experience a space in which they and their mother can share comforting and playful activities.
Actively participate in relational connection with their mother enabling a joint experience of safety and healing.
The Heartfelt children’s group incorporates an Australian Childhood Foundation therapeutic resource The Big Tree Dolls. These playful resources and related stories will accompany children through their experience with both peers and their mothers.
For further information or to discuss a referral, please contact Ariel or Elise at referralsact@childhood.org.au or call 0438 415 650.
Best wishes,
Yvonne Gritschneder
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